SMW Practice Cart
This ROM is useful for practicing speedrunning Super Mario World. It includes many features that help streamline the tedious parts of the game that are not very useful. You can download the ROM here. BPS patches can be found here (apply to U version) and here (apply to J version). Here is a list of all features in the current version (V2.5.0):
- All levels available from the start
- Start-Select enabled on every level
- Midway points disabled
- Bonus games disabled
- Cutscenes disabled
- Save prompt disabled
- Infinite lives
- Items such as Dragon Coins and Moons always respawn
- Mario speedometer, flight timer, & P-meter
- Subpixel monitor for held items and Yoshi
- Input display
- 16-bit memory viewer
- Additional overworld paths
- Quick overworld movement
- Play with controller 1 or 2
- Quick room reset with L+R
- Quick room advance with L+R+X+Y
- Quick level reset with L+R+A+B
- Save state with R+select
- Load state with L+select
- Slowdown gameplay with R+start
- Mario's overworld position will save over a console power cycle
- Save states will save over a console power cycle if your platform supports it
- If the game crashes, a detailed crash screen will try to appear
- If it can, it will try to load the current save state after crashing so you don't have to reset the console
- Remembers what settings you had before resetting
- Overworld options
- Press L to change Yoshi color
- Press R to change Mario powerup
- Press Select to swap current powerup with item box powerup
- Press Start to bring up main menu
- Toggle ! Blocks
- Toggle Special World effects
- Change Yoshi color
- Change Mario powerup
- Change item box contents
- Erase individual records, all records from a specific level, or everything
- Remap reserve item release to resolve conflict with save states
- Enable sprite slot identification
- Reset enemy states (e.g. boo rings, boo clouds)
- Toggle death on time up
- Toggle music
- Toggle the buffer that exists during pausing the game
- Toggle savestates and slowdown
- Adjust the delay savestate have
- Choose a meter to be display on the screen dynamically (Dyn-Meter)
- Show times in hundredths of seconds or in frames
- Hold X or Y to select options outside of normal range
- A help screen so you don't have to revisit this page to know what everything does
- Real-Time Attack
- Timer in every level, counts up to 9 minutes, 59 seconds, 59 frames
- Timer still counts up while in game timer would otherwise pause (during level transition, powerup, paused, etc.)
- Timer DOES IN FACT take into account lag frames
- Timer takes into account loading time between levels, pretty accurate but not perfect
- Best times for each level are displayed on the overworld
- Decent times are highlighted in gold, even better ones are pink (use L+R on the overworld to view the goal times)
- Seperated by low%, no-cape, normal, and lunar dragon, as well as by secret exit
- Additional timer that keeps track of each room individually
- Movie Recording
- Enter a level with X to start a recording
- Enter a level with Y to replay the loaded movie
- The status bar tells you how long you have left before the recording fills up
- Once a movie is recorded, you can save it to SRAM vida the menu
- Save up to 2 movies in SRAM at once
- Share your movies with others here (wip)
- The two movies in SRAM and the currently loaded movie are represented by numbers and an "L" on the overworld next to the level it goes to
- Enter a name that will be display on screen and saved with recorded movies
This ROM may be buggy. If you find any bugs, please file out a bug report here. You can view the status of all bug reports here

You can visit my Github repo for this project here.
I accept donations. Proceeds go towards paying off my student loans most likely.
Since the next version has a lot code refactoring and new features, it is taking a long time to finish. If you want to try out the current pre-release, you can download it here. Current version is v3.-.8. You can find BPS patches for this version here (apply to U version) and here (apply to J version).
If you want to talk with me and others about the practice cart, I have a channel dedicated to it on my Discord server. You can join here.
SMW Hack Practice Carts
I have made a practice cart for a few popular SMW hacks. You can find them here. Note that these have less support from me; that is, I don't plan on updating them very often, and they can be very buggy.
- Super Demo World: The Legend Continues - V2.2.0
- Doesn't support savestates or room advance.
- Press X or Y on a star tile to warp, A or B to enter the level. Yes you can get to junk levels.
- Some levels are just flat out broken, still figuring that one out...
- Kaizo Mario World - V2.2.0
- Supports save states and most room advances, some are broken.
- Return to Dinosaur Land - V2.2.0
- Supports save states. Does not support room advancing.